Mediation Services
If you find yourself contemplating litigation or currently in litigation, mediation can be a great option to arrive at an agreement, better focus the court proceedings on a few key points to save time, or can give each party a better idea as to their chances in court, should it come to that. A.L. Harvey Professional Law Corporation located in Auburn, CA is here to help you navigate this important process.

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There are two tools that you can utilize; non-binding mediation and early neutral evaluation. A.L. Harvey Professional Law Corporation specializes in both and you can learn more below about each and then setup a free phone consultation to learn more.
Our Expertise
Non-Bind Mediation & Early Neutral Evaluation
What is non-binding mediation and how can it help me?
Mediation is a non-adversarial approach to resolving a conflict. Non-adversarial means non-court dispute resolution. Mediation requires an impartial neutral party to assist in resolving disputes between two or more parties. A.L. Harvey Professional Law Corporation can act as the neutral party, also known as a Mediator, and help each side focus on the real issues of the dispute and develop options that are agreeable to all parties concerned so that a non-binding solution can be agreed upon.
What is early neutral evaluation and how can it help me?
Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) is a relatively short, informal, non-binding and confidential procedure that encourages litigants in civil cases to settle disputes before they have committed significant time and money to fight their cases. Parties may enter ENE voluntarily or be referred (or even ordered) to it by the court. In ENE session, the parties and their attorneys meet before an agreed upon neutral. After both sides make their case the neutral asks questions and the disputants may question each other. The neutral presents his/her analysis of key issues, offers an opinion on how the case would fare in court, suggests ways to bridge the gap between parties and offers to facilitate a settlement. Similar to mediation, regardless of its outcome, ENE helps narrow issues and gives litigants a more realistic view of their chances in court. It also keeps all discussions and recommendations confidential.